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How To Create A Time Machine

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  1. How To Build A Time Machine
  2. Buy A Time Machine
  3. Real Life Time Machine
  4. How To Create A Time Machine Back-up

The machine creates a path through the fourth dimension, a tunnel through time. A time traveller, a brave, perhaps foolhardy individual, prepared for who knows what, steps into the time tunnel. How to Build a Time Machine (Vortex Distortion Space and Time Dilating Device): Well lets put it this way, ive always had this thing about traveling through time, and having a time machine. So i set about making one, i decided that instead of being a vessel to travel in, i would rather have something portable. Many hours think. So your time machine would let you go back and and make a bunch of money and create more time in your life, that's what my time machine does. It does for me every day. It makes me a bunch of money and it gives me the free time in my life that I want. External drive connected to your Mac. Time Machine can back up to an external drive connected to.



Is it possible to actually build a machine that allows one to travel through time faster than we do from moment to moment in our daily lives, sort of like what we see in movies?

YES, but only to a point, and no, this is NOT science fiction.

Is it easy, and could one do this at home or in their backyard?


Has such dramatic technology actually been developed, and did it work?

How to get powerdirector pro for free. YES

Where and when you might ask?

It began in Nazi Germany during the last several years of World War II in their pursuit of wonder weapons. Start by reading two superb books: 1) The Hunt For Zero Point by Nick Cook, and 2) TheSS Brotherhood of the Bell by Joseph P. Farrell. Also check out the The Alien History of Planet Earth hosted by Nick Cook as well as TheNazi UFO Conspiracy, both on The History Channel. All are excellent primers on this material.

Has any further work been done on such radical, cutting-edge, physics?


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The answer is somewhat convoluted, but here goes. During the mid-1970's during our descent to the conference room at UCLA's Neuropsychiatric Institute which we used for our psi training groups, a visitor, a relatively young Asian woman, started talking to me about a U.S. government funded time machine project that was being conducted. She said that such a machine was indeed under development and there had been some success in terms of it's operation. I asked her why her, a total stranger, had even brought this matter up to me. Her answer was that after reading several articles I had published on time, she automatically assumed that I knew of, or was even part of the project. I told her that I was not and that I had never heard of such an R&D program.

Needless to say, I asked many questions like: the machine's power source, actual principles of operation, etc. The young lady was quite mum from that point on and refused to talk further on the subject. I asked for her phone number and she refused to give it to me so I have her my card with the lab's number and my home number on the back. Strangely, she never returned to our group again, nor did I ever hear from her again either.

However, there's some compelling evidence that the military is already using what's referred to as a magneto-plasma toroidal propulsion system in a highly classified, delta-shaped stealth aircraft known as the TR3-B from Lockheed Martin. This propulsion system reduces the TR-3B's mass and inertia to a very small fraction of what it would be otherwise, thereby allowing small amounts of thrust to achieve very high rates of acceleration without g-loading the airframe or pilots. You may ask what anti-gravity (electro-gravitic) propulsion has to do with time travel? The answer is EVERYTHING!

Why haven't we people heard of this?

This type of technology is more probably a deeply classified, black program without any congressional oversight whatsoever, along with most of the related Zero Point Energy and UFO technology.

It offers the most dramatic change in the way we've been living since the dawn of the industrial revolution in that it would immediately obsolete all form of energy production: coal, oil, nuclear and hydroelectric.

In fact, this Zero Point Energy technology even dwarfs any potential thermonuclear (fusion) reactor technology.

Is it free energy, NO. And while there's no heat associated with Zero Point Energy, as it's most likely endothermic in nature, it still must be accessed or coupled with via an electro-mechanical device that is exothermic (heat producing) and as such must be built, distributed and sold, just like everything else on earth.

The difference here is that there would not be the ever-present need for a power grid, for each building, home, car, bus, truck and plane would have a small Zero Point Energy (ZPE) reactor within it, without the hazardous radiation normally associated with nuclear power.

Does this process and mechanism related to such real time travel involve technology that is also directly applicable to superluminal, interstellar propulsion systems like warp drive?


It must be made very clear that this technology does not require one to reach speeds near that of light in order for it work. In fact, this approach has never even been openly discussed in technical literature over the years for many reasons, chief of which is the control of power and its weaponization potential, which is not focus of this discussion.

How to create a time machine in life

Is it possible to actually build a machine that allows one to travel through time faster than we do from moment to moment in our daily lives, sort of like what we see in movies?

YES, but only to a point, and no, this is NOT science fiction.

Is it easy, and could one do this at home or in their backyard?


Has such dramatic technology actually been developed, and did it work?

How to get powerdirector pro for free. YES

Where and when you might ask?

It began in Nazi Germany during the last several years of World War II in their pursuit of wonder weapons. Start by reading two superb books: 1) The Hunt For Zero Point by Nick Cook, and 2) TheSS Brotherhood of the Bell by Joseph P. Farrell. Also check out the The Alien History of Planet Earth hosted by Nick Cook as well as TheNazi UFO Conspiracy, both on The History Channel. All are excellent primers on this material.

Has any further work been done on such radical, cutting-edge, physics?


Where? How to get snapchat on pc.

The answer is somewhat convoluted, but here goes. During the mid-1970's during our descent to the conference room at UCLA's Neuropsychiatric Institute which we used for our psi training groups, a visitor, a relatively young Asian woman, started talking to me about a U.S. government funded time machine project that was being conducted. She said that such a machine was indeed under development and there had been some success in terms of it's operation. I asked her why her, a total stranger, had even brought this matter up to me. Her answer was that after reading several articles I had published on time, she automatically assumed that I knew of, or was even part of the project. I told her that I was not and that I had never heard of such an R&D program.

Needless to say, I asked many questions like: the machine's power source, actual principles of operation, etc. The young lady was quite mum from that point on and refused to talk further on the subject. I asked for her phone number and she refused to give it to me so I have her my card with the lab's number and my home number on the back. Strangely, she never returned to our group again, nor did I ever hear from her again either.

However, there's some compelling evidence that the military is already using what's referred to as a magneto-plasma toroidal propulsion system in a highly classified, delta-shaped stealth aircraft known as the TR3-B from Lockheed Martin. This propulsion system reduces the TR-3B's mass and inertia to a very small fraction of what it would be otherwise, thereby allowing small amounts of thrust to achieve very high rates of acceleration without g-loading the airframe or pilots. You may ask what anti-gravity (electro-gravitic) propulsion has to do with time travel? The answer is EVERYTHING!

Why haven't we people heard of this?

This type of technology is more probably a deeply classified, black program without any congressional oversight whatsoever, along with most of the related Zero Point Energy and UFO technology.

It offers the most dramatic change in the way we've been living since the dawn of the industrial revolution in that it would immediately obsolete all form of energy production: coal, oil, nuclear and hydroelectric.

In fact, this Zero Point Energy technology even dwarfs any potential thermonuclear (fusion) reactor technology.

Is it free energy, NO. And while there's no heat associated with Zero Point Energy, as it's most likely endothermic in nature, it still must be accessed or coupled with via an electro-mechanical device that is exothermic (heat producing) and as such must be built, distributed and sold, just like everything else on earth.

The difference here is that there would not be the ever-present need for a power grid, for each building, home, car, bus, truck and plane would have a small Zero Point Energy (ZPE) reactor within it, without the hazardous radiation normally associated with nuclear power.

Does this process and mechanism related to such real time travel involve technology that is also directly applicable to superluminal, interstellar propulsion systems like warp drive?


It must be made very clear that this technology does not require one to reach speeds near that of light in order for it work. In fact, this approach has never even been openly discussed in technical literature over the years for many reasons, chief of which is the control of power and its weaponization potential, which is not focus of this discussion.

The ingredients you'll require to build a working time machine are the following:

1. A shielded, controlled laboratory facility located far from prying eyes and the power grid.

2. Access to electronic components only used in building directed energy weapons, and fusion reactor research for the most part. If you try ordering ultra-diodes or ultra-capacitors and are not employed by a defense contractor or one of the national labs like Sandia, Los Alamos, or Lawrence Livermore, etc., you're going to be visited by the FBI and Homeland Security within minutes with their guns drawn and safety's off. THIS IS NOT AJOKE.

3. A mercury superfluid, that is, a superconducting (super-cooled to -450 degrees Fahrenheit/5.3722 degrees Kelvin) mercury based plasma with embedded and suspended niobium particulates, i.e., Einstein-Bose Condensate, a superfluid for lack of a better term.

4. A toroidal confinement mechanism that can electromagnetically contain, suspend and drive this mercury superfluid plasma to a minimum of 70,000 rpm and at 250k atmospheres of pressure (3,675,000 pounds per square inch) is essential. There must be counter-rotating mercury superfluid plasmas, one clockwise, the other counter-clockwise in order to move only through temporal space as opposed to simply attaining faster-than-light (FTL) velocities required for interstellar flight.

5. A quadruple-hulled, spherical shell that encloses or encapsulates these counter-rotating plasmas, say 30-50-feet

How To Build A Time Machine

in diameter. The human occupants and cargo are contained within the insulated and centrally located cockpit where controls are located. From the outside working inward, the space between the first and second hull contains the mercury superfluid rotating clockwise. The space between the second and third hull contains the counterclockwise-rotating mercury plasma, and the third hull acts as an insulator between the plasmas and the cockpit cabin for the traveler. Unfortunately, there's no resemblance whatsoever to the time machine so beautifully depicted in George Pal's 1960 movie The Time Machine.

6. This mechanism taps into the Zero Point field and thereby generates what's known as a torsion field which initiates frame dragging effects. Essentially, you're created a very precisely manipulated worm hole that initially decouples you from gravity and then uses such forces to make time and space around this vessel move at a dramatically accelerated rate compared to outside the machine. Basically, you're not moving, but space and time are, very rapidly.

There was a very relevant line of dialogue in the 2009's new Star Trekmovie where the aged Spock shows the very young Lt. Commander Montgomery Scott how to successfully achieve transporter function when moving at warp speed. When young Scott sees Spock's equation, he utters the comment 'Imagine that, who would think that space was the thing that was actually moving?' This line was quite prescient in my opinion.

However, what's really important to understand at this point is that this machine does in fact generate the power required to travel in time, the field's purpose is to accesses or tap into the ubiquitous zero point field. And although the generated Zero Point Energy power field from the counter-rotating mercury plasmas is endothermic in nature, it could possibly be viewed as equivalent to a very high petawatt EMF output.

By biasing the counter-rotating plasma configuration in terms of right/left symmetry, one can move forward or backward in time at varying speed. In fact, there might even be a way to even relocate this time machine in space as well. However, even though this type of device will allow time travel, it may not be identical to the way it's always been portrayed in the movies. In fact, it may only be a one-way trip and leave one somewhat stranded a long way

(temporally speaking, that is) from home.

Let's say that you decided to jump forward one entire year into the future. You punch in the temporal coordinates and you travel that distance in less than a second. You step out and start walking around. Everyone asks where you were for the last year, but you cannot tell them. You were deemed to be a missing person. And in reality, you were. But, now comes the real-world problem with time travel.

Buy A Time Machine

You cannot then get back into the time machine and travel back to the point you started a year earlier and live out the time you've missed, because you were never there for that 365-day period. You could continue moving forward in the machine and watch the future unfold as it will, but you cannot go back and be physically present here in 3-D reality when you were not. Another example illustrates this problem with even greater clarity.

Several weeks ago there was a $640 million Mega-Millions Lottery around the country, the numbers of which were to be picked at 8 p.m. on Friday night. So on the receding Wednesday, you get into your time machine and jump ahead to 9 p.m. on Friday to learn the correct numbers. You then return to Wednesday evening and bet the winning numbers, right. WRONG.

This would be a major causality problem in that once you've gone past the point in time where the winning numbers were chosen you've forever passed that temporal location and you had not purchased any lottery tickets whatsoever, let alone the winning one, as someone else did. You cannot then return to the point in time you started at with the winning lottery numbers because you never purchased them to begin with at that time. Moreover, you cannot have it both ways. Either you accurately picked the winning numbers before you jumped into the future with the machine, or you did not. This is one instance where you cannot have your cake and eat it too.

Conversely, you cannot go back in time and have any form of physical interaction between yourself and the past for the same reasons just cited. What if you tried to go back thousands of years ago, long before you or the time machine even existed?

I suspect that you'd either destroy yourself in the attempt or you'd end up in some odd temporal space wherein you could observe the past as if watching a 3-D movie that you could never have any form of physical interaction with. This is the equivalent to going back in time and killing your grandparents or parents long before you were born.

How could such be achieved as you're alive now? If you went back in time and successfully murdered your family ancestors, you would not be alive now to even attempt such. Kind of crazy, paradoxical stuff to say the least.

Real Life Time Machine

Well, after all that, you might ask yourself what good is a time machine? Well, it may allow us to better understand more about reality at many levels and might just tell of that we cannot ever play god. However. such technology might lead the way to the development of incredible new types of endothermic (non-heat generating) energy to power the world free of pollution as well as new methods for advanced medical healing methods. It may also provide us with the blueprint to build and apply real warp drive field propulsion for interstellar travel.

7. Almost forgot, the very last item you will need is MANY BILLIONS OF DOLLARS, as such technology does not come cheap.

How to access android phone files on pc. 8. Does any of this incredible physics have any interrelationship with paranormal events such as precognition, RSPK and apports?

How To Create A Time Machine Back-up


For much more detail on what's discussed here, check out my book Aliens Above, Ghosts Below: Explorations of the Unknown at, Barnes & and at

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